Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blue Posts on StarCraft 2 Forum


First, post #1:

Hey guys I just had a crazy idea to make the obelisk more engaging, give it FF! I know it sounds weird but just think, it forces the player to choose between buffing probes or to use FF to trap units, workers, halt a rush/harass, or anything else you can do with FF. I would think that range should be limited only by somewhere you have line of sight ( to force the choice between probe charge and FF). Discuss!


Yup, Force Field is great on the Disruptor because it can be used both offensively and defensively. Often times, this ability used correctly can easily change the tide of a battle or force a retreat from the enemy.

He was then promptly flamed for not leaving a long enough response.

Post #2:

Which way is more efficient for generating supply in the long run?

1) Calldown extra supply on your depots

2) Calldown MULEs to mine more minerals and then use the extra minerals to build depots


Calling down the MULE is much more effective in terms of collecting additional resources (each will gain more than +100 during it's duration) but if those supplies keep you at cap by mistake, the supply depot call down can quickly get you back on track for your build order/timed push.

He was then promptly flamed for not providing a beta etst release date. The job of a Blizzard Poster is indeed a thankless one. Not that I don't think a little information here and there would be nice. Anyway, check out the StarCraft 2 Forum on to see if anything else pops up.

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